The average house price on RHOBELL VIEW is £318,758
The most expensive house in the street is 10 RHOBELL VIEW with an estimated value of £451,815
The cheapest house in the street is 6 RHOBELL VIEW with an estimated value of £270,735
The house which was most recently sold was 3 RHOBELL VIEW, this sold on 3 Apr 2020 for £225,000
The postcode for RHOBELL VIEW is TS17 5EP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 RHOBELL VIEW Detached £291,726 £235,000 9 Nov 2018
2 RHOBELL VIEW Detached £303,860 £103,500 10 May 2002
3 RHOBELL VIEW Detached £278,250 £225,000 3 Apr 2020
4 RHOBELL VIEW Detached £317,356 £255,000 1 Mar 2019
6 RHOBELL VIEW Detached £270,735 £89,000 15 Mar 2002
8 RHOBELL VIEW Detached £317,565 £83,995 12 Jun 2000
10 RHOBELL VIEW Detached £451,815 £269,995 29 Jul 2013